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How The Products Work

Everything in our bodies is made of energy. Our thoughts are energy. Our emotions are energy. Stressful and/or traumatizing experiences cause energy to get stuck, making us feel anxious, stressed and traumatized.


When we are traumatized by any stressful experience, our cells “record” the trauma and become charged. This charge remains active on every cell in our body, as though we are living with an ongoing thunderstorm within our bodies. This thunderstorm keeps the fight or flight response, and possibly the freeze response, switched on. This thunderstorm prevents us from feeling safe and keeps us in a state of feeling powerless, leaving us to feel anxious, stressed and traumatized.


Energy is measured in frequencies or vibrations. Higher vibrations cancel out lower vibrations. Adding higher vibrations to our bodies through sound, crystals, and flower essences help cancel out the lower vibrations of the stress, anxiety and trauma.


As we continue to add higher vibrations, the lower vibrating energies of stressful and traumatizing events start to lift out of our bodies and healing occurs. The thunderstorm starts to die out. We start to feel safe again and we start to get our power back.


We begin to feel energetically neutral, which is the space of wellness. Neutral doesn’t mean what happened to us doesn’t matter. It means that we are now without charge, allowing us to move forward more peacefully and powerfully.


All of the products, which are beautiful products in and of themselves, are the delivery methods for high vibrational energies that cancel out the stressful, anxious and trauma energies. The products are imprinted with high vibrational energy from specific sound frequencies; crystals that specifically “speak” to stress, anxiety and trauma, as well as self-love, self compassion, and safety; and with flower essences that address stress, anxiety and trauma, safety and peace. Flower essences are the vibrational “notes” of flowers.


Our cells know what to do with the frequencies from the sounds, crystals and flower essences and start to allow the higher vibrations imprinted in the products to cancel out the lower vibrations of stress, anxiety and trauma that the experience(s) caused. With daily use, over time, we are gently healed from the anxiety and trauma and our bodies become more peaceful and neutral within.


Currently, there are four product lines, which focus on specific areas of healing and empowerment.

Personal Sovereignty Product Line | Transform

Personal Sovereignty

products are imprinted with frequencies to lift the hurt, harm and shame energies from sexual trauma out of the body.

Tranquility Product Line | Transform


products are imprinted with frequencies to assist you in moving out of  anxiety, trauma and PTSD.

Boundaries • Reclaiming My Space • Product Line | Transform

Boundaries •

Reclaiming My Space

products are imprinted with frequencies to help you create or enhance energetic boundaries and carry the broadcast of “GET OUT. BACK OFF!”

Boundaries • My Voice. My Power • Product Line | Transform

Boundaries •

My Voice. My Power

products are imprinted with frequencies that assist you in setting boundaries and verbally expressing them, so people know what your boundaries are. These frequencies help you say Yes to what moves you towards joy and No to what moves you away from joy.


Every step of the product development process was divinely guided. These products came about through my desire to help people, who may never otherwise receive healing from the stress, trauma, and lack of boundaries, to heal from these with simple-to-use, daily personal care products.

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